Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our trip to Canyon Lake

Last night Chris and I decided to drive up to Canyon Lake for the evening. It was surprisingly nice up there. There wasn't too much traffic and it was really cool - much cooler then it was in the valley. We hung out there for a little over an hour. It was Daniels first real time being around the lake. He wasn't too sure about it at first but once I went into the lake knee deep he was quick to follow. These pictures are out of order but you can still see we had a good time for the little of time that we were there.

Me in the sunset

Chris and Daniel

It went from pebbles to actual rocks!

Daniel learning to throw rocks in the lake

The beautiful sunset

All of our shadows

Daniel didn't know what to think of the water

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taking a look back at my pregnancy with Daniel

Thought I would have a blog looking back at my pregnancy with Daniel. As you all know he was huge! I only hope that I will not get as big as I did with Daniel because even having a 7lb baby inside is uncomfortable!

Our first picture of Daniel

Daniel being weighed

This is me at 24 wks - never thought it would be a 10lbder!

This is me two days before I have Daniel - 1 day before my due date!
This is when I should have had Daniel - a month before!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our little peanut

I went to the doctor Tuesday and had our first ultrasound. Everything looked great. I didn't get to see the doc afterwards but Michelle, the ultrasound Tech, said that the baby is measuring out small. So meaning that I am a week behind then I thought. I am hoping that this baby is smaller in general because from what I have read and heard that you can't hear the baby's hearbeat any earlier than 10wks. Michelle said that the computer is calcualting my new date as Feb. 10th and my new turn over day (the day I turn a new week) is Thursdays instead of Wednesday. My next doc apt is at the end of the month. Not sure what day...can't remember. I of course forgot the pictures that were taken but still wanted to update everyone.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Random pictures

Daniel climbing the fence

Playing with the water drippers

He put himself in here!

Show Low

We all went to Show Lo for the 4th of July weekend. We had a great time! Here are some pictures I took of this last weekend.

Swatting flies

Like to see my boogers!

Chris golfing

Chris being silly

Dans version of golfing - pounding the ball

Dan putting the on the T

Pregnancy upate

So as you all know I went in for my first prenatal Wednesday. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear the baby's heartbeat. Doswell said it was too early? I don't understand why because I had the option to hear Dan's heartbeat at 7weeks but refused it because of course dad wasn't there. And then I got my first ultrasound with Dan at 9.5 weeks and got to hear his heartbeat. Oh well. I do however get to have an ultrasound Tuesday. I am pretty excited about that. A few things that my doc did tell me was that a c-section will more then likely take place with this baby because of my past with Daniel (10lbs). He said that some women have that option but unfortunately I don't. I kind of figured that and in a way I prefer it because it's over with so fast. He also moved my due date back to the 3rd of Feb. I was basing it on a 28 day cycle instead of a 30 day cycle. That's pretty much it for now. Can't wait to see my little peanut tomorrow!